Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Crazy Times!!!

Hi to all, and my apologies for not getting information to you sooner :( We've had a high school graduation, a graduation party, a "son" home on leave from the Navy, his re-deployment, and...............Hubby went back to work after being away from the Elevator Constructor industry for almost 2 YEARS! We're praying this job lasts so we can attempt to catch up on the finances.

We've added several new shows to our schedule so be sure to hop over to our website and check out the events page in the right column. the Univers
ity of New Hampshire has invited Rocky Corner Soapworks to their 30th annual Evergreen Fair being held the first weekend in December. This is a chance to purchase last minute high-quality gifts for Christmas AND UNH opens their greenhouses so the public can purchase their special poinsettias.

We were recently contacted by someone who invited Rocky Corner Soapworks to participate in the Metropolitan Cooking and Entertaining Expo being held the first weekend in November in Washington, DC. This show is sponsored in part by the Food network and should be a terrific opportunity for RCS to shine in a more nationally known trade show. We're open to suggestions for a dis
play...we have a corner booth with 10' on two sides of the booth (20') total. That same weekend we'll be participating in what we call the World Trade Center Show in Boston. Sooooooooooooo, we've been busy trying to get ahead in production while we can.

Our new Carrot & Oatmeal soap is selling like mad, folks!! We use all parts of the carrot and liquid (except the stem) adding additional vitamins and nutrients into the final product. Remember, everything that touches your skin can potentially harm you: your skin is the largest organ in your body!!! and should be taken care of just like you'd take care of any other important body part :)

We've recently tested Lemon Poppyseed and LOVE, LOVE it! Very sharp and clean smelling with poppy seeds for scrub action. Men and women alike will gravitate to this terrific soap and it will be 'THE BOMB' in the kitchen sink side.

The gardens are growing like mad...we've made one harvest of lavender to dry for our Lavender soap. The second cutting is about to take place; running out of places to hang it to dry.

The pool is 90 degrees and the air is about 90 too :( Sad face because the heat/humidity really bother me. Feeling very run down and tired lately,
possibly due to my fibromyalgia or maybe it's time to hire someone~ I get butterflies in my tummy just thinking about having someone who's not a family member working for us, investing their time and energy into our products. WOW!

Friends, I could go on and on but I'll spare you until next time!

Best to you all,

Karen Clough, owner
Rocky Corner Soapworks
75 Hampstead Road
Danville, NH 03819