Friday, March 16, 2012

Shake it Off !!!

We've all had times in our lives where the title of this blog would be appropriately applied, right???  A bad day at work, a snub by someone you thought was your friend...or worse; a relationship that's sour.  And I'm guessing, too, that the words "shake it off" would be nice to hear but oh-so-hard to put into practical use.

Rocky Corner Soapworks is in the Shake it Off state right now.  After coming off a fall and holiday season that saw us sell out at almost every show (we had to cancel our last show of the season due to no inventory), we hit the lazy days of January and February when everyone was reviewing their credit card bill and deciding spending more money wasn't in the cards for them.  Those restful days weren't so restful; January and part of February I put together an aggressive production schedule that starred me ALONE.  My Fibromyalgia only allowed me to meet about half my production goals resulting in a frustration level I haven't felt in quite a while.  Feb. 20 saw me putting my absolute trust in George Kasparyan, MD, PHD Lahey Clinic as, once again, I underwent an "oil change and lube job"; this time my left shoulder needed rotator cuff repair.  

And while all of these events happened my husband had been harboring an untreated staff infection, resulting in months of aggressive treatment, IV's, surgeries, etc.  So many times during these past few months my daughters have urged me to temporarily suspend operations with an apology to my customer base.  The thought alone hurt my heart..I love my customers, truly.  And many depend on me for their skin health; a burden I don't mind bearing at all.  To wall off those individuals who have supported our small cottage industry business wouldn't/couldn't happen.  

Shake it Off mode is much harder to be in than I thought.  Mentally compartmentalizing the things I can't change and being pro-active about the things I can change...what's what I have to be all about now.  We owe so many thanks to friends and family who have stood by us and prayed with us and for us through these many months.  You hold a special place in our heart!

Let the S H A K I N G begin!


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